Shravan Bal Seva Rajya Nivruttivetan Yojana
Shravan Bal Seva Rajya Nivruttivetan Yojana
Category - (A) Under this Scheme every destitute person of age 65 years & above &whose annual family income is below Rs. 21000/- & whose name is not included in the BPL List get Rs.600/- per month from the state Govt. Category - (B)Also under this scheme, every destitute person of age 65 years and above and belonging to BPL family is eligible to get pension of Rs. 400/- per month from the state Govt. and the same beneficiary also receives pension of Rs.200/- per month from the Central Govt., under Indira Gandhi National Old Age pension Scheme.
Under this scheme, Rs. 600 per month is given to each beneficiary.
How To Apply
Under this scheme application is submitted to Tahsildar/ Talathi.
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