
Places of Interest

Kolhapur district is the southernmost district of Maharashtra. Its headquarter is Kolhapur City which is an ancient city. The city is situated on the banks of river Panchganga and is known as ‘Dakshin Kashi’. Kolhapur is seat of Goddess Mahalaxmi and is one of the Shaktipeeths mentioned in Indian mythology. Kolhapur was ruled by Silaharas, Yadavas, Rashtrakutas and Chalukyas in the Medieval times.

The growth of district in modern times is fascinating. Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaja is an architect and founder of modern Kolhapur. The district is abundant in natural resources- water, soil, natural vegetation, animal wealth and minerals. As a result, Kolhapur is one of the most agriculturally advanced districts of not only Maharashtra but also India. It is fast becoming an industrialised district as well and already a front runner in agro-based industries. Kolhapur District is one of the shining examples in the Co-operative Movement of India. No doubt, the district has the highest per capita income in the Maharashtra State and one of the highest in the country.
Kolhapur has a distinct culture developed as a result of rich history and its quality of people who have been front-runners in various fields. Kolhapur is famous in the country for production of Kolhapur special.